Monday, December 31, 2012

NewScientist Shoot themselves in Head

NewScientist Magazine
Shoots Themselves in the Head

Just in case they actually take this page down or alter it,
I'm capturing it for all internet eternity here,
as a prime example of how Evolutionists falsify data
and make up completely outrageous claims
to mislead those who don't bother to read the fine print,
like our friend MCThomas and Paulos
who actually dared to post a link to this fabrication:


Note the critically important admission in the 8th paragraph:

"Crucially, tC19Z can [only] copy pieces of RNA that are
almost half as long (48 per cent) as itself.
If an RNA enzyme is to copy itself, it has to be able to copy
sequences as long as itself,


Doing an artificial experiment that fails to create replicating RNA:.. $50,000
Posting the results in a misleading way on a credible Science Site: $5,000

Having a proponent of Evolution attempt to use it as evidence: ... Priceless.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Behavioral Biases (continued)

(21) Hindsight bias - The tendency to see past events as predictable. "I knew all along Philip Phillips would win American Idol." Sure you did...

One of the classic examples of this in Evolutionary theory is the absurd claim that "Evolution predicted the fusing of Chromosome 2 in Man."

Of course Evolutionists did nothing of the kind. In fact, their behaviour during the whole 30 years prior to any evidence of fusing was to actually cover up the immense difficulty that humans having 23 chromosomes versus apes having 24 created, once genes and chromosomes were discovered.

In other words, Evolution propagandists marched on oblivious to the scientific knowledge of the time, when as scientists they should have publicly acknowledged the ridiculous situation they were in for 30 years when they knew about chromosomes but had no explanation for why men and apes had different counts.



(22) Ideometer effect - Where an idea causes you to have an unconscious physical reaction, like a sad thought that makes your eyes tear up. This is also how Ouija boards seem to have minds of their own.

It is insufficiently appreciated how personal events can bias our propensity and outlook, our worldview. No one is immune to the sometimes overwhelming effects of tragedy. C.S. Lewis for instance, lost his faith as a child when his mother unexpectedly died. This was probably involuntary, at that vulnerable age. Nonetheless he recovered his faith upon serious reflection as an adult.

In a similar way, it is strongly suspected that many Evolution proponents are likely involuntarily committed to an Atheist ideology on an emotional basis long before they begin rationalizing their beliefs. Tragedy in their lives in one form or another leaves them unable to entertain alternative solutions to the problem of Life, or to form faith-based worldviews.

This is an obvious bias, but one which is rarely acknowledged by apologists of any stripe.

(23) Illusion of control -
The tendency for people to overestimate their ability to control events, like when a sports fan thinks his thoughts or actions had an effect on the game.

This is a form of 'projection' or anthropomorphism which is extended to inanimate and non-living objects.
Among Evolutionists we see this anthropomorphism and projection running rampant as such objects as dead, mindless molecules and processes 'actively compete' and 'achieve goals' only consistent with higher order living creatures.
This 'empowerment' of inanimate objects is a form of fanciful imagination quite counterproductive of real scientific investigation, and of no use in understanding real physical processes.

(24) Illusion of validity - When weak but consistent data leads to confident predictions.

Such examples of the coincidental positioning of fossils in deep sedimentary layers, as though they represented local stages in 'evolution' when they were plainly sorted rather on the basis of relative buoyancy and/or a natural seive-process based on size.

Examples of this magical thinking abound in evolution textbooks.

(25) Information bias - The tendency to seek information when it does not affect action. More information is not always better.

As more and more fossils and sites are uncovered and catalogued, it has become tediously obvious that no solutions to key problems such as the absence of clear transitional species in the record are forthcoming.

Instead, the more fossil information that is gathered, the more problematic current reconstructions have become. Very advanced creatures continue to emerge in the most primitive layers and geological eras, making logical and plausible reconstructions of evolutionary stages impossible.

It can be truly observed that the Theory of Evolution was more convincing and plausible in 1950 than today, mainly due to what we did not know then.

(26) Inter-group bias - We view people in our group differently than we would someone in another group.

The bias here is most embarrassing and painful. We see such "world-class geneticists" as Richard Dawkins making the most absurd excursion into foreign philosophical territories, only to humiliate himself as a naive and unscientific thinker. We see such 'scientists' totally abandoning their own scientific methodology and caution to propound ideological viewpoints with the most tenuous and impoverished support.

Yet somehow, instead of calling these people to task when they overextend themselves, Evolution proponents circle around them and protect them in a way that rivals police ranks closing around a fellow officer accused of a crime.

The very core of science, open, transparent examination of activity is obscured and covered up with smokescreens and tactics better seen at a circus.

(27) Irrational escalation - Investing more money or resources into something based on prior investment, even if you know it's a bad one. "I already have 500 shares of Lehman Brothers, let's buy more even though the stock is tanking."

Here again we see proponents of Evolution insisting that their way is the only rational course, their research fields are the only ones deserving of funding, etc., etc., in spite of and in direct contradiction to the lack of results and even the negative findings of actual scientific investigation.

Behavioral Biases 3

(15) Empathy gap - Where people in one state fail to understand people in another state. If you are happy you can't imagine why people would be unhappy. When you are not sexually aroused, you can't understand how you act when you are sexually aroused.

In a similar manner, Evolutionists have no sympathy for ordinary people who have other belief systems and world-views. They make their own goals of the greatest importance in an entirely self-centered and self-oriented manner, trampling afoot whatever is in their path.
Such antisocial behaviour and systemic lack of empathy points toward obsessive aggressive-compulsive behaviours bordering on sociopathic and psychotic illnesses.


(16) Frequency illusion
- Where a word, name or thing you just learned about suddenly appears everywhere. Now that you know what that SAT word means, you see it in so many places!

Evolutionists commit this gaff on a staggering frequency-level, seeing "Natural Selection" everywhere, even where it is blatantly not only not operating by any rational definition, but where other overwhelming forces would negate any chance of its operation.

Just as even ordinary scientists and mathematicians tend to 'over-apply' a new technique, Evolutionists have become a broken-record, endlessly repeating the 'Natural Selection' mantra as if it was a cure-all and panacea for every biological problem that arises.


(17) Galatea Effect - Where people try to succeed because they think they should.

As so often happens in certain areas of science that impose upon politics, religion, and ideology, the Galatea Effect is compelling and often overwhelming in apologetic popular books on "Evolution", the sole purpose of which is to promote an ideological belief-system at the expense of science and reason.

Evolutionists feel they have a 'just cause' that overrides all other causes, even the cause of historical accuracy and scientific truth. All things are bent toward supporting and corroborating even the most absurd aspects of Evolutionary theory. They are 'true believers' in one of the most dangerous ideologies ever artificially constructed.


(18) Halo effect - Where we take one positive attribute of someone and associate it with everything else about that person or thing.

In this vein, we see Evolution propagandists and ideologues held up and venerated in the same way as if they were 'saints' or great heroes of nations.
Its bad enough when rich conquerors and despots make gigantic statues of themselves, or when ordinary people have their real lives re-written to portray them as near-perfect heroes and saints for various causes from Roman Catholicism to Communism.
But these irrational behaviours are wholly inappropriate for scientists and those heralding the cause of accurate reality and historical truth.
Scientists are not heroes, and most people are quite ordinary.
Mimicking religious or despotic behaviours is another sign of unscientific and emotional bias precisely where we want to see it least.


(19) Hard-Easy bias - Where everyone is overconfident on easy problems and not confident enough for hard problems.

Very little should need to be said on this, however our previous analysis of the problem of synthesizing and/or discovering a self-reproducing molecule is quite revealing as to the ridiculous over-optimism and naive unscientific methodology used in supposed experiments said to support theories of Abiogenesis.

(20) Herding - People tend to flock together, especially in difficult or uncertain times

It hardly needs illustrating, that the educational community, many scientific fields, and other political and ideological groups band together in the face of sometimes irrational fear-mongering.

It is sometimes suggested that if people with dissenting views are even allowed to speak, the sky will fall, and all will be enslaved by religious tyrants.

Even Mark Twain would laugh at such scare-stories.

50 Behavioral Biases

(11) Curse of knowledge - When people who are smarter or more well informed can not understand the common man. For instance, in the TV show "The Big Bang Theory" it's difficult for scientist Sheldon Cooper to understand his waitress neighbor Penny.

In the debate about Evolution or rather the protracted attempts to indoctrinate ordinary people by proponents, there are literally thousands of opportunities for confusion and miscommunication due to the Evolutionist's prior commitment to certain 'precise' definitions of words that are already in circulation in the general public.

Thus we often see Evolutionists ragging on opponents and the uncommitted for 'confusing Evolution and Abiogenesis' for example. The Evolutionist knows in advance that the two ideas are independent enough that even if Abiogenesis can't be demonstrated, essential elements of the theory of Speciation (i.e., Natural Selection) are unaffected, since they deal with a different time, place and circumstance.

But John Q Public knows intuitively from the nature of the public debate that what is really being sold is Atheistic Materialism, and Evolution is being used to justify that belief system. Part and parcel of the whole package is the idea that "Life" doesn't have and doesn't need a Creator, and therefore people don't need to believe in or obey a Living God.

Thus Abiogenesis in the sense meant by Evolutionists IS a part of the package, and ragging on both opponents and uncommitted listeners for grouping them together is just a handy smoke-screen, whereby Evolutionists don't need to prove or support the idea of Abiogenesis when inconveniently asked to do so.

The whole argument devolves into a game of semantics that lets Evolutionists off the hook from demonstrating how Life could spontaneously evolve out of Non-life.


(12) Decoy effect - A phenomenon in marketing where consumers have a specific change in preference between two choices after being presented with a third choice.

This isn't so much an unconscious bias as a dirty sales-scam, meant to fool the victim (although Evolutionists are certainly biased).

Ordinary Religious people are naturally inclined to believe in a Creator God, who is both the First Cause and necessary to explain the origin and existence of Life.

Evolutionists convince the listener to abandon that natural inclination by a ruse:

Young Earth Creationism (YEC) in its most extreme form is presented as the only alternative to Evolution, and is presented in such a way as to make it hopelessly implausible and blatantly false. Then Evolutionary theory is propounded as the only alternative to YEC. The victim is bamboozled into embracing Evolutionary dogma as the most probable explanation.

(13) Denomination effect - People are less likely to spend large bills than their equivalent value in small bills or coins.

The same principle is at work here as the 'divide and conquer' rule.

Evolutionists chop up the integrated belief-system of orthodox Christianity and mainstream religion, so that each part can be separatedly assaulted and an audience can accept the (smaller) loss of one or two seemingly unimportant components of their own position.

This process is continued until the entire worldview has been assaulted and apparently dismantled. It matters not that many of the attacks and assaults are ineffective and unconvincing. The appearance is given that these attempts are only provisionary, and since other assaults and attacks appear successful, the difficulties must not be unsurmountable and will eventually be solved.


(14) Duration neglect - When the duration of an event doesn't factor enough into a valuation. For instance we may remember momentary displeasure as strongly as protracted displeasure.

A classic example is the claim that Evolution has taken place over millions of years. These gigantic time periods were originally proposed in order to allow small, uniformitarian processes, like normal erosion, volcanism, continental drift etc., could account for the major geophysical features of the earth.

Likewise, it was naively assumed that "given enough time", the most unlikely event will become 'certain', i.e., must eventually take place.

That naive thinking worked in the last century when people were unable to accurately calculate probabilities and understand the basis of so-called 'random' events.

However, some things are not "random" in this free, classical sense, based on an oversimplified view of physical laws. The world has turned out to be neither deterministic (as classical mechanics suggested) or purely probabilitistic (as statistical theories of causation suggested), but both in part deterministic (for instance it is impossible to 'block' or shield the force of gravity because it is now understood to be a distortion in spacetime itself) and in part probabilistic (as in quantum mechanical forces).

Thus we cannot expect "every possible event" to occur, even in infinite time, since (a) there isn't sufficient time, (b) some things are indeed impossible by definition, (c) some things are eliminated from probability by the fact that alternate events have already occurred, and (d) some processes are time-directional, and not reversable.

For instance, there can never evolve a literal "Santa Claus" , because such an event is intrinsically impossible, eliminated by its own definition.

In Evolutionary theory we see this irrational trap fallen for again and again, as species after species is 'discovered' to have existed both now and simultaneously hundreds of millions of years in the past, without evolving!.

Originally the vast time-scales were considered necessary to justify Evolution, but the actual creatures are found to have already evolved at the very beginning of these time periods, while inexplicably NOT evolving for vast subsequent eras. This makes Evolution a self-contradictory nonsensical theory, about magical events.

50 Behavioral Biases that cause Evolutionists to think Irrationally

(1) ATTENTIONAL BIAS - When someone focuses on only one or two choices despite there being multiple options or outcomes.

In the case of flipping a coin, landing on its edge may a very unlikely (but still possible) event, thus "heads or tails" seems an adequate set of options. However in typical coin tosses under uncontrolled conditions subject to human error, up to 30% of tosses actually result in disputes, due to insufficient specification of how to handle 'mis-tosses' etc. Often coins and dice fly off tables, people violate fair tosses in attempts to influence outcome, and uneven surfaces or poor tossing cause ambiguous rolls.

Evolutionist propagandists attempt similar choice restrictions concerning possible options when they insist (a) that their personal theories are true, and (b) that the only alternative choice is 'Young-Earth Creationism', or non-scientific superstition, and (c) they refuse to investigate alternative possibilities and/or variations on the accepted versions of the Evolution theme.


(2) The
Availability Heuristic - is where people overestimate the importance of limited information that is available to them.

One example would be a person who argues that smoking is not unhealthy on the basis that his grandfather lived to 100 and smoked three packs a day, an argument that ignores the possibility that his grandfather was an 'outlier', i.e., a person lying statistically near the edges of a more complete bell curve.

Evolutionists have historically viewed mankind as 'descending' from early apes, on the basis of broad and superficial similarities, such as bilateral symmetry, mammalian classification, toe-counts, bipedalism, depth perspective, when recent evidence suggests several overriding problems with this view: (a) lack of a clear geographical basis for the evolution, (b) lack of transitional forms for a history, (c) complexity of the DNA evidence and its accompanying problems, (d) the general statistical similarity of DNA across very divergent and distantly related animals, (e) lack of a coherent treatment or scientific methodology for measuring similarity or difference in DNA coding.


(3) Backfire effect - When you reject evidence that contradicts your point of view or statement, even if you know it's true.

A good example of this is how Evolutionists have treated the question of Birds and their evolution. Early fossils were first regarded as 'transitional' forms on a path from dinosaur/reptile to modern bird. Subsequently true bird fossils were discovered anti-dating those alleged transitional fossils by millions of years. Yet no significant revision of the theory or the position of birds on the Evolutionary Tree as descendants of dinosaurs has been made.


(4) Bandwagon effect - The probability of one person adopting a belief increases based on the number of people who hold that belief. This is a powerful form of groupthink.

Evolutionists constantly appeal to 'the majority of scientists' supposed allegiance to standard Evolutionary theory (i.e., Darwinism and 'Natural Selection'), when the true situation is far more likely to be similar to the personal commitment of individuals found in surveying religions and denominations. That is, the majority of people will be uncommitted or uninterested in the question, with population numbers rapidly dwindling as commitment to the ideology rises, and detailed knowledge is required. As in all politics, people will tend to sign onto the Status Quo position for reasons of expediency regardless of their personal commitments.


(5) Belief bias - A bias where people make faulty conclusions based on what they already believe or know. For instance, one might conclude that all tiger sharks are sharks, and all sharks are animals, and therefore all animals are tiger sharks.

Just as people tend to uncritically accept the beliefs and opinions of their culture and educational system for long periods in their lives, so associations will also bias belief.

Evolution is widely believed among those educated in the West, because it has been made an important part of their curriculum and it has been heavily associated with science and technology, even though 90% of scientific knowledge and technological advance has no basis in Evolutionary theory, and the belief in Evolution is not required for or relevant to any modern scientific discipline or technology.


(6) Bias blind spots
- If you fail to realize your own cognitive biases, you have a bias blind spot. Everyone thinks they're not as biased as people may think, which is a cognitive bias itself.

Independent tests for bias however show that all individuals have significant biases that prevent them from making accurate observations or logical conclusions. Evolutionists are no exceptions.


(7) Choice-supportive bias
- A bias in which you think positive things about a choice once you made it, even if that choice has flaws. You may say positive things about the dog you just bought and ignore that the dog bites people.

Here is a classic bias Atheists have which is very transparent. Evolution is the preferred theory because it suggests that people are not morally or ethically answerable to any higher authority. There would be no consequences for immoral or unethical behavior beyond interference by others in competition for resources and power. A criminal in such an ethical vacuum does not have remorse for crime but simply regrets getting caught.


(8) Clustering illusion - To conclude that data contains a "streak" or "cluster" when that set is actually random.

For instance in basketball, the hot hand effect is the belief that a player who has hit several shots in a row is more likely to hit the next shot.
This is also called the gambler's fallacy, where one thinks a winning number is "due."

Like many probability illusions, the Clustering Illusion is based on faulty reasoning and estimates of probability, due to a misunderstanding of forces and constraints.

Evolution is a NON-predictive 'theory' because nothing that has occurred before or which can be presumed to be true can be used to predict what direction things will evolve in next. Because its entirely unpredictive beyond the vaguest generalizations, it is not a true scientific theory in any practical sense. Scientific theories are falsifiable, because they have specific consequences which bear on their accuracy and truth.

One can study 'Evolution' endlessly and fail to predict or discover any subsequent event in its specific form, which would substantiate the key elements of the theory.


(9) Confirmation bias - A tendency people have to believe certain information that confirms what they think or believe in.

This bias is well-known, and is why Evolutionists insist on teaching their theories and beliefs to children, while they are not yet in a state of critical thinking, and are vulnerable to accepting falsehoods and unsubstantiated claims.

If an Evolutionist has been brought up in the Western educational system, it is likely that he is heavily biased in favour of the theory, because these thinking patterns have been formed long before he developed a capacity for critical thinking.

In general, a person who has no personal experience with or has paid no attention to directed, controlled or guided forces in their life will tend to believe that such forces do not exist, even when they are actually operating.

A person who does not detect authorities collecting intelligence on them, monitoring their activities, or guiding their employment opportunities, will not suspect or believe that governments and authorities do in fact engage in such activities in significant amounts. When suddenly confronted with the idea, that person will reject it out of hand as 'paranoia' or 'conspiracy theory' talk.


(10) Conservatism bias - Where people believe prior evidence more than new evidence or information that emerged. People were slow to accept the fact that the earth was round because they tended to believe earlier information that it was flat.

This type of bias is seen strongly among proponents of Evolutionary theory, whereby 'Natural Selection' continues to be heralded as the most important or only force at work in real evolution, even though this idea, was conceived by Malthus and Darwin long before there was anything like a scientific method or framework to evaluate it.

All subsequent evidence that goes against 'Natural Selection' or suggests other forces might be at work that are just as powerful is dismissed as irrelevant, as though the theory was born 'perfect' at its inception at the dawn of the scientific era.


science guy

more RNA hijinx

boogie woogie

Monday, December 24, 2012