from a scientific standpoint: examining the axioms and presumptions,
the claims and the evidence alleged to create a plausibility for a
hypothetical materialist explanation the origin and current state of
our biological ecosystem on earth.
General Evolution and Evolutionary Theory:
Evolution: Deconstructing the Mythology
Why Evolutionary Theory fails on its own terms
How to lose the argument against Design
Seven Assinine "Predictions" of 'Evolution'
1998 Biology: Evolution still primitive crap
The 2 Top Evolutionists in Bitter Feud
Top Evolutionist calls it 'Half Science, Half non-science'
700 Evolutionist Scientists THINK AGAIN
(micro-evolution =/= macro-evolution) = NO evolution
Evidence for Intermediate Transitionals still Ambiguous
Evolutionist Hypocrisy Rides Again: Sudden Explosive Speciation is Admitted
Evidence AGAINST Speciation: Trilobites
Pterosaurs and Bird-Brained Evolutionists
The Difference between Evolution and Science
The "Great Oxygen" NON-Event
The REAL Cause of 'Red Layers' in Sedimentary Rock
Evolution vs. Entropy
Thermodynamics for Dummies (Evolutionists)
2nd Law of Thermodynamics for Dummies (Evolutionists)
Archaeoraptor Fraud: & Nat. Geographic Recantation
Two more Species of Dinosaurs vanish in smoke
Evidence that Archaeopteryx was a Forgery and Fraud
The Lucrative Fake Fossil Business - not likely to diminish
Eliminating God doesn't eliminate Deception in Nature
50 Behavioral Biases that cause Evolutionists to think Irrationally
Desperate Darwinists attempt to Hijack C.S. Lewis
Even Dr. Eugene Scott thinks Dawkins is over the top
Richard Dawkins now allows Intelligent Design!
Some Famous Atheists Reverse their Position
Darwinism's Racist Roots
'Evolution' - the Costly Killer we Can't Afford
Petrified Trees that stick through millions of years of rock
Why I believe in "Evolution" (...or not)
More on Fake 'Feathered' Dinosaur Transitionals from China
Historical Evolutionist Fraud at Custer's Last Stand
Why Evolutionists masquerade as Catholics
The Conflict between the Bible and Theistic Evolution
Evolution: Greek Crypto-Nazis in the 70s thought it was cool
Evolutionist Hoaxes: Using Imaginary Evidence to prove Evolution...
Evolution and Genetics:
The Myth of Self-Replicating RNA
The "Junk DNA" of the Evolutionists re-examined
Epigenetics and the Death of Evolution
ERVs (Endogenous 'Retroviruses'): Are they really invading viruses?
Recombination during Meiosis ruled out as Source of Gene Mutations
Colin Patterson on the Genetic Evidence Against Natural Selection
Mutation Rate Clock now known to be HALF the previous speed
Microbiology - Dismisses "Evolution" with a footnot
Genetics: independent of ToE, and based on Science
New Knowledge of Human Y-Chromosome makes common descent with Chimps IMPOSSIBLE
98% DNA match with chimps? Another Evolutionist Fraud Exposed
Epigenetics Reveals Further Differences between Humans and Chimps
Why Human Chromosome 2 isn't evidence for Natural Selection
The Fraud Surrounding Human Chromosome 2 and Chimp droppings
Gorilla EYA4 Marker Contradicts Evolution
Key 'Pseudogene' turns out to be a real live functioning Gene
On the Alleged Reconstructions for the Tree of Life:
The Ever Unstable Phylogenetic Trees of Evolution
The Fossil Record without The Assumption of Common Descent
Why Morphology,Historic tool of ToE, must be abandoned
What would constitute REAL Evidence for Evolution
Why Dinosaur DNA Research is being censored
Half-life of Fossil DNA believed to be about 500 years
Newest Feathered Dinosaur from China
Most Interesting Man on Evolution
Birdbrains on Bird "Evolution" still leave holes to peck at...
On Early Man and the Descent from Early Apes:
New Knowledge of Human Y-Chromosome makes common descent with Chimps IMPOSSIBLE
Mutation Rate Clock now known to be HALF the previous speed
98% DNA match with chimps? Another Evolutionist Fraud Exposed
Epigenetics Reveals Further Differences between Humans and Chimps
Why Human Chromosome 2 isn't evidence for Natural Selection
Gorilla EYA4 Marker Contradicts Evolution
Ever changing DNA phylogenetics remap early man less reliably * new
Scientist calls for Geneticists to own up to Errors
Yet more Key Differences between Man and Apes
More Fraud regarding Human - Neanderthal fossils
Faking the Data on Brain-Size for Evolutionary Propaganda
Another "Missing Link" Powerplay vanishes in smoke
Taung Child and "Hobbit" reveal Mess that Human Orgins is in
New Fossil Evidence shows Man not from Africa
More Genetic Evidence AGAINST descent from Early Hominids
Remarkable Case: Chimps & Gorillas Evolved, but not Humans
"Mitochondrial Eve" - the Secular Humanist Lesbian Fantasy
So Neanderthal Man is just a man after all
Living Neanderthal Evidence makes dating dubious
Lovelock: More Nonconforming Primate Evidence Vanishes
Bigfoot DNA sequenced
Geologist destroys Accepted views of 'Evolution of Civilization'
John Hawkes, Phylogenetic Systematics Expert says humans AREN'T apes
Evolutionist admits he was wrong, Creationist right
Forged 'Cave Paintings' of Early Man
The Tragic Story of Ota Benga at the hands of Evolutionists
Lucy: Bone Doctoring - brazenly forging antatomical evidence again
Embarrassing Epochs in the History of Evolution
Evolution and Racism: "E" for Evolution or "Elephant in Room"?
On Materialist Cosmology and Geology:
The HUGE Margins of Error in Determining Ancient Conditions
What Cosmologists and Gravitational Theorists DON'T know
Women might be from Venus - but microbes are not from Mar
The "Great Oxygen" NON-Event
The REAL Cause of 'Red Layers' in Sedimentary Rock
Half of Earth's Heat comes from crustal radioactivity
Gaping hole blown in Geophysical Column
Technical Problems with C14 Dating methodology
Dr. Russell Humphreys on Evidence for Young Earth
Scientific Alternatives to Uniformitarian Geology
What Fossils can Actually Tell us about Catastrophic Geological Events
On Origins of Life (Abiogenesis) :
Bogus Abiogenesis Fantasy
The Myth of Self-Replicating RNA which supposedly saves ToE
Why RNA is NOT a 'self-replicating' machine
Lame Southpark Cartoon Fails to Refute Intelligent Design
The Miller Experiment: Another Evolutionary Failure
How the Millerites suppressed scientific research in Origins for 30 years
New Knowledge of Human Y-Chromosome makes common descent with Chimps IMPOSSIBLE
Mutation Rate Clock now known to be HALF the previous speed
98% DNA match with chimps? Another Evolutionist Fraud Exposed
Epigenetics Reveals Further Differences between Humans and Chimps
Why Human Chromosome 2 isn't evidence for Natural Selection
Gorilla EYA4 Marker Contradicts Evolution
Ever changing DNA phylogenetics remap early man less reliably * new
Scientist calls for Geneticists to own up to Errors
Yet more Key Differences between Man and Apes
More Fraud regarding Human - Neanderthal fossils
Faking the Data on Brain-Size for Evolutionary Propaganda
Another "Missing Link" Powerplay vanishes in smoke
Taung Child and "Hobbit" reveal Mess that Human Orgins is in
New Fossil Evidence shows Man not from Africa
More Genetic Evidence AGAINST descent from Early Hominids
Remarkable Case: Chimps & Gorillas Evolved, but not Humans
"Mitochondrial Eve" - the Secular Humanist Lesbian Fantasy
So Neanderthal Man is just a man after all
Living Neanderthal Evidence makes dating dubious
Lovelock: More Nonconforming Primate Evidence Vanishes
Bigfoot DNA sequenced
Geologist destroys Accepted views of 'Evolution of Civilization'
John Hawkes, Phylogenetic Systematics Expert says humans AREN'T apes
Evolutionist admits he was wrong, Creationist right
Forged 'Cave Paintings' of Early Man
The Tragic Story of Ota Benga at the hands of Evolutionists
Lucy: Bone Doctoring - brazenly forging antatomical evidence again
Embarrassing Epochs in the History of Evolution
Evolution and Racism: "E" for Evolution or "Elephant in Room"?
On Materialist Cosmology and Geology:
The HUGE Margins of Error in Determining Ancient Conditions
What Cosmologists and Gravitational Theorists DON'T know
Women might be from Venus - but microbes are not from Mar
The "Great Oxygen" NON-Event
The REAL Cause of 'Red Layers' in Sedimentary Rock
Half of Earth's Heat comes from crustal radioactivity
Gaping hole blown in Geophysical Column
Technical Problems with C14 Dating methodology
Dr. Russell Humphreys on Evidence for Young Earth
Scientific Alternatives to Uniformitarian Geology
What Fossils can Actually Tell us about Catastrophic Geological Events
On Origins of Life (Abiogenesis) :
Bogus Abiogenesis Fantasy
The Myth of Self-Replicating RNA which supposedly saves ToE
Why RNA is NOT a 'self-replicating' machine
Lame Southpark Cartoon Fails to Refute Intelligent Design
The Miller Experiment: Another Evolutionary Failure
How the Millerites suppressed scientific research in Origins for 30 years

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