The Horror Story of Kathleen Wynn Begins:
After parents reeled in horror, and protests spread,
Canadians were lulled into thinking they had stopped the madness:
The Liberal Government put this perversion on the backburner,
as a more important crisis, and opportunities for fraud and scandal arose:
Thus Ontario nearly voted McGuinty and the Liberals out of office,
but pathetic voter turn out allowed him to hang in with a minority government,
because the civil servants Union and the Teachers Union supported him.
But it wasn't just about letting students in Catholic highschools
have "gay clubs".
McGuinty and his band of homos still wanted to teach public school kids
all about the joys of masturbation and anal sex, as early as 3rd grade.
In a dirty scam, the Liberals inserted Wynn into the job of Premier of Ontario,
without any chance for voters to have a say on the matter.
McGuinty simply resigned as premier, and let the Liberal Party
vote her in as the new leader, with the result that she automatically
took over the job of Premier in a manner similar to vice-presidents
stepping into office if somehow presidents are ousted.
Once in power, Wynne quickly coordinated the destruction of all evidence
that would incriminate McGuinty and the Liberal party of the biggest fraud
in Ontario history:
Next, Wynne set about ensuring she and the Liberal Party could
hang onto governmental power, by bribing the Teachers Union
with the biggest payoff in Ontario history:
Where is Premier Wynne going to get $500 million dollars to pay off
the Teachers Union (the most powerful union in Ontario) for securing
her election?
Simple: By cutting the Education Budget by $500 million!
Now that the books have been balanced by diverting money meant for
schools and books to Teachers Union payoffs,
and with her re-election secure for another five years,
Wynne and the homosexual faction are now pushing ahead
on the plan to teach children about anal sex again in grade 3.
There was a small snag however, in that the main architect of
the new school curriculum had already been caught with child porn
and charged as a pedophile:
However, the way court cases are conducted in Ontario is that
a publication ban will be automatically granted, and this case
will take about five or more years to wind its way through the courts.
It looks as though this was planned all along,
since it effectively prevents those opposing the Premier's plan
to change the school curriculum from using the media to
point to Levin as the pervert who created it.
"Fairness" requires that he be considered innocent until convicted,
and that his trial not be prejudiced by publication of details of charges,
and evidence.
This effectively means no one can accuse Levin of being a pedophile,
and protest against the new School Curriculum on this basis!.
So naturally the Lesbian pedophile Premier Wynne will simply go ahead,
and push the homosexual agenda down the throats of children and parents:
Thats right.
After Christians in Ontario thought they had won the battle and stopped
homosexuals from teaching grade 3 students about anal sex,
the Lesbo Premier has not only revived the program,
but entrenched herself and her party into government for another 5 years.
Ontario to introduce more explicit sex education in schools Apr. 20 2010, The days of euphemisms and innuendo in Ontario's classrooms are numbered, with the province set to roll out a new sex education curriculum next fall built on clear and explicit language that has raised objections from conservative parent groups. The revision, outlined in 208 pages that were quietly posted on the Ministry of Education's website in January, will for the first time teach Grade 3 pupils about such topics as sexual identity and orientation, and introduce terms like "anal intercourse" and "vaginal lubrication" to children in Grades 6 and 7. The new curriculum begins in Grade 1 with lessons about the proper names of body parts. The changes came to light Tuesday, when members of a religious, "family-focused" coalition threatened to pull their children out of school on May 10 unless Premier Dalton McGuinty abandons the changes. The Premier stood by the curriculum, saying he has confidence in the judgment of school principals and teachers to present the information in a thoughtful and responsible manner. If sex education is not taught in the classroom, he added, students could get information from potentially uninformed sources, such as their friends. "If we can provide it in a format and in a venue over which we have some control ... why wouldn't we recognize that we live in an information age and why wouldn't we try to present this information in a thoughtful and responsible and open way," Mr. McGuinty said. Critics said topics such as homosexuality are best left to parents to discuss with their children. "I think it's a sort of infringement on parents, because you're talking about a very personal and sensitive area and dealing with kids so young I believe what it will end up infringing on their thought processes and their desires and ability to make correct choices," said Reverend Ekron Malcolm, director of the Institute for Canadian Values, who is involved in the coalition. Some of the most controversial changes are in the Grade 3 curriculum. In a discussion on human development and showing respect for people's differences, for example, teachers are invited to discuss "invisible differences," including gender identity and sexual orientation, in an effort to reflect the fact that more and more students have same-sex parents. Christian right leader Charles McVety, who is also part of the coalition, said it is unconscionable to teach children as young as eight years old gender identity and sexual orientation. He accused the Premier of listening to "special interest groups with an agenda," including former education minister Kathleen Wynne, who is openly gay. The curriculum hadn't been reviewed since 1998, and the changes reflect Ontario's diverse society and have nothing to do with Ms. Wynne, who is now Transportation Minister, said Michelle Despault, a spokeswoman for Education Minister Lorna Dombrowsky. "As a government, we have a commitment to provide a curriculum that is both equitable and inclusive," she said. |
After parents reeled in horror, and protests spread,
Canadians were lulled into thinking they had stopped the madness:
Sex ed opponents claim victory in Ontario Apr 23, 2010 The decision by Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty to back away from a controversial new sex education curriculum for the province's schools has been greeted with relief by some interest groups and concern by others. "It's become pretty obvious to us that we should give this a serious rethink," McGuinty told reporters Thursday. "We by no means are gloating," said Rev. Ekron Malcolm, director of the Institute for Canadian Values, "but we give God the glory. It's a victory for the Canadian children." The new sex education curriculum that had been planned for Ontario grade schools will not be introduced when the 2010-11 school year begins, McGuinty announced. Religious groups objected to the revised curriculum and raised a voluble campaign against it earlier this week. They promised a huge demonstration on the front lawn of Queen's Park to protest the sex education changes. "It is unconscionable to teach eight-year-old children same-sex marriage, sexual orientation and gender identity," said Charles McVety, head of the Canada Christian College. "It is even more absurd to subject sixth graders to instruction on the pleasures of masturbation, vaginal lubrication, and 12-year-olds to lessons on oral sex and anal intercourse." Sudden turnabout McGuinty appeared to be caught by surprise by the new curriculum, and just scant hours after his education minister defended it in the provincial legislature, he told reporters the sex ed program was halted. "The fact of the matter is that we have a very diverse province. And I think that it's very important that as a government when we develop policies of any kind — but especially when it comes to sex education in our schools, something that touches our children directly — that we listen very carefully to what parents have to say and we take their concerns into account and lend shape to a curriculum that they are comfortable with," the premier said. Wilfrid Laurier University Prof. David Docherty said the explicit language in the curriculum may have caught McGuinty off guard. "The language has changed [from previous sex education material] and I suspect it is the language that has angered, or concerned some parents — and has allowed others who are opposed to broader sex education in school in general, to jump on this and suggest the government is going far, too far." |
The Liberal Government put this perversion on the backburner,
as a more important crisis, and opportunities for fraud and scandal arose:
Ontario's McGuinty re-elected, but loses majority Voter turnout reaches a new low By Andrew Lupton , CBC News Posted: Oct 06, 2011 ![]() After being "counted out and written off" Dalton McGuinty's Liberals managed to secure a third straight mandate on Thursday, but fell just shy of a third straight majority. With all the votes counted, the Liberals had won 53 ridings, one short of the 54 needed for a majority. With all polls reporting, the Liberals had captured 37.6 per cent of the popular vote, with the Progressive Conservatives close behind at 35.4 per cent. NDP support was at 22.7 per cent, with the Greens at 2.9 per cent, down just over five percentage points from their showing in the 2007 election. The PC and NDP gains came entirely at the expense of the Liberals, the only party not to pick up seats from the other two parties. The Progressive Conservative Party under Tim Hudak was poised to add 12 seats to the 25 they held when parliament dissolved while the NDP added seven seats to the 10 they held heading into the election. Leaders of all three major parties were re-elected in their ridings: McGuinty (Ottawa South), Hudak (Niagara-West Glanbrook) and the NDP's Andrea Horwath (Hamilton Centre). In his victory speech at the Chateau Laurier hotel in Ottawa, McGuinty said the result will allow Ontario to move forward with "an experienced Liberal government." "It's time to move forward the Ontario way, it's about building and working together," he said. "Liberalism [homosexuality] in this great country is alive and well and living in Ontario." |
Thus Ontario nearly voted McGuinty and the Liberals out of office,
but pathetic voter turn out allowed him to hang in with a minority government,
because the civil servants Union and the Teachers Union supported him.
Dalton McGuinty tells Catholic church he’s in charge of schools The provincial government — not the Catholic church — is the higher power when it comes to running Ontario schools, says Premier Dalton McGuinty. Tue May 29 2012 The provincial government — not the Catholic church — is the higher power when it comes to running Ontario schools, says Premier Dalton McGuinty. The reminder came a day after Cardinal Thomas Collins, archbishop of Toronto, accused the minority Liberal government of making “religious freedom . . . a second-class right” with a controversial amendment to an anti-bullying bill. McGuinty, a Catholic whose wife Terri teaches in the separate school system that gets $7 billion annually in taxpayer funding, acknowledged Collins has responsibilities to exercise in his position. “I have a different set of responsibilities,” McGuinty said Tuesday at the Bombardier factory in Downsview. “I’m accountable to all faiths, I’m accountable to people of no faith. I’m accountable to all parents.” Under the amendment supported by the New Democrats and the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association, Catholic schools must let students call anti-homophobia support groups “gay” clubs or words to that effect if teens so desire. That means all children “will be accepted and respected for who they are,” the premier said, arguing it is one of Ontario’s “fundamental values that transcend any one faith.” Collins questioned why the government would be “rigid” in giving students more power than school principals and trustees in naming clubs. “Any student apparently can sort of override the people who have a serious responsibility to care for all the kids in the school,” Collins, also president of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario, told Newstalk 1010. Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak, who attended Catholic school and whose father was a principal, agreed with Collins that school officials should get the final word. “I really don’t care what people decide in schools to call clubs. I just think that principals should have a say in what’s happening in those schools.” Hudak said “oh, sure” when asked if it was possible to have an anti-homophobia club in a school without using the word “gay” or similar terminology in the name. “This is supposed to be about fighting bullying across the board, protecting kids no matter why they’re bullied — if they’re gay, if they’re disabled, if they’re fat or whatever reason.” ... Liberal sources say they amended the language in the bill to “remove any ambiguity” that might allow Catholic educators to override the provincial edict on naming clubs. They believe the strategy has been successful politically because the NDP hasn’t broached it in the legislature and, more surprisingly, neither have the Tories despite their concerns. That has led to an easy ride for the government — at least at Queen’s Park — on a contentious issue that has dominated news headlines and talk radio all week. The cardinal’s statement against the amendment — including his plea that “we simply ask that diversity be respected in our society” — has Liberals suggesting his comments make the government seem reasonable and fair. Although Conservatives have charged the amendment is a deliberate provocation of Catholics aimed at sapping public support for their school funding, Broten reiterated that is “absolutely not” the case. Collins acknowledged the threat of lost funding is often made at Catholics. “I’m a taxpayer too but we all are serving the common good, so this idea you can kind of override the religious values that serve the common good just simply on the point of public funding I think is just not a good argument.” Jim Hughes of the anti-abortion group Campaign Life Coalition charged that Broten’s amendment on gay naming shows she is “an apologist for the homosexual activists and their drive to insert their agenda into all schools.” |
But it wasn't just about letting students in Catholic highschools
have "gay clubs".
McGuinty and his band of homos still wanted to teach public school kids
all about the joys of masturbation and anal sex, as early as 3rd grade.
In a dirty scam, the Liberals inserted Wynn into the job of Premier of Ontario,
without any chance for voters to have a say on the matter.
McGuinty simply resigned as premier, and let the Liberal Party
vote her in as the new leader, with the result that she automatically
took over the job of Premier in a manner similar to vice-presidents
stepping into office if somehow presidents are ousted.
Updated: 02/12/2013 Kathleen Wynne In January 2013 Kathleen Wynne won the Ontario Liberal Party leadership race to replace Dalton McGuinty who had announced his retirement after nine years in the province's top political job. She becomes the province's first woman premier [without being elected] and also the first openly gay premier. |
Once in power, Wynne quickly coordinated the destruction of all evidence
that would incriminate McGuinty and the Liberal party of the biggest fraud
in Ontario history:
KATHLEEN WYNNE’S LIBERALS MISLED PUBLIC ON $1.1 BILLION SCANDAL Publication: OP-ED Oakville Gas Plant Cost MPP Julia Munro, York-Simcoe | Date: Nov 15 2013 Yesterday, Ontario’s Auditor General revealed the true cost of the Liberal government’s cancellation of the Oakville gas-fired power plant: $1.1 Billion. That’s right, $1,100,000,000.00, and it’s paid by your taxes and your electricity bill. It amounts to $150.00 from each Ontarian who is old enough to work, just to pay for this massive boondoggle. The Liberals went to extraordinary lengths to hide this number from the people of Ontario. So while Kathleen Wynne assures us that everything has changed under her leadership, we have ample evidence to the contrary. Liberals remain under investigation by the OPP for their role in hiding the depth of the gas plant scandals. Rightfully so, questions of accountability continue to plague the government. Does this sound familiar? That’s because these scandals and cover-ups are straight from the Dalton McGuinty playbook. Kathleen Wynne co-chaired the campaign that decided to cancel the plants. She signed the document cancelling the Oakville gas plant, but refused to come clean on the cost. While this province suffers under high unemployment, the Liberals continue to put their priorities ahead of the people of this province. When they should be focused on jobs and growth, they have been focused on saving their political skin. The people of York-Simcoe are fed up with watching taxpayer dollars treated as Liberal Party donations. ... The Oakville gas plan cost the people of this province over $1.1 Billion. That’s $1.1 Billion we could have used to improve healthcare. Or $1.1 Billion that could have gone towards ensuring a top-class education system for our children. That $1.1 Billion could have put people back to work, by funding public infrastructure projects in our communities. Instead, it was used to pay for one Liberal seat, in Oakville. Is this the respect taxpayers deserve? Of course not. But over the past ten years, the Liberals have proven that they will always put their party before hard-working families in this province. ..." |
Next, Wynne set about ensuring she and the Liberal Party could
hang onto governmental power, by bribing the Teachers Union
with the biggest payoff in Ontario history:
Wynne cost taxpayers $468M by renegotiating teachers’ contracts ahead of last Ontario election, November 19, 2014 Premier Kathleen Wynne’s decision to reopen contracts for public school teachers last year cost Ontario taxpayers $468 million, auditor general Bonnie Lysyk reported Wednesday. The Liberals hoped to save $2.4 billion when they passed legislation in Sept. 2012 to freeze teachers’ pay for two years and reduce banked sick days and pension benefits, but the auditor found they gave some of the savings back to the unions. “The savings were reduced as a result of subsequent discussions,” said Lysyk. Of the total cost, $200 million went toward giving teachers and school board workers more paid sick days, hiring more substitute teachers to cover the sick days and changing the eligibility threshold for retirement benefits, she said. It cost another $155 million to reduce the number of unpaid professional activity days, give teachers one day’s pay if they take fewer than six sick days a year, improve maternity benefits and compensate school boards for increased expenses because of the new deals. And it cost another $113 million to eliminate wage differences between teachers’ unions, which have so-called “me too” clauses so every group benefits when one negotiates a new or increased benefit, added Lysyk. “So if you add the $200 million, the $155 and the $113, that is the total for the additional costs,” she told reporters. Wynne was not available for comment on the auditor’s report |
Where is Premier Wynne going to get $500 million dollars to pay off
the Teachers Union (the most powerful union in Ontario) for securing
her election?
Simple: By cutting the Education Budget by $500 million!
Ontario government planning $500M cut to education funding November 18, 2014 TORONTO -- Some schools in Ontario will be shut down as the Liberal government makes education funding cuts to help eliminate a $12.5-billion deficit in three years, Education Minister Liz Sandals admitted Tuesday. The planned cuts are included in the government's 2015-16 education funding guide, which was obtained by the New Democrats and calls for permanent savings of up to $500 million by 2017-18. |
Now that the books have been balanced by diverting money meant for
schools and books to Teachers Union payoffs,
and with her re-election secure for another five years,
Wynne and the homosexual faction are now pushing ahead
on the plan to teach children about anal sex again in grade 3.
There was a small snag however, in that the main architect of
the new school curriculum had already been caught with child porn
and charged as a pedophile:
More child porn charges laid against former deputy education minister ![]() Diana Mehta, The Canadian Press Published Wednesday, July 10, 2013 1:31PM EDT Last Updated Wednesday, July 10, 2013 9:36PM EDT TORONTO -- A University of Toronto professor who once held the post of deputy education minister in Ontario and Manitoba was slapped with two new charges Wednesday in an ongoing child pornography investigation. Benjamin Levin -- who was also on Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne's transition team as she took office earlier this year -- now faces a total of seven charges. The new charges were laid as the 61-year-old appeared in a Toronto court for a bail hearing Wednesday. After a full day of arguments, Levin was granted bail, with a long list of conditions.... "The Crown's position is that he should not have been released, he was released," lawyer Clayton Ruby said outside the courthouse. The latest charges against Levin are one count of possessing child pornography and one count of accessing child pornography. "It's a result of the evidence that was seized," Det. Const. Janelle Blackadar told The Canadian Press. "There was an initial forensics examination that was done on digital data." Levin was arrested on Monday and initially charged with two counts of distributing child pornography and one count each of making child pornography, counselling to commit an indictable offence and arrangement of a sexual offence against a child under 16. The charge against Levin which deals with the making of child pornography is in relation to alleged "written texts," said Blackadar. "Written texts so to speak that is a graphic depiction of a sexual encounter between an adult and children," she explained. "The graphic depiction of that is consistent with the criminal code definition of child pornography." The investigation which led to Levin's arrest began in the middle of last year. Officials in Toronto were then contacted by authorities in New Zealand and later police in London, Ont., Blackadar said. "We decided we would link our evidence together," she said. "We're still gathering some intelligence." The Ontario government has confirmed that Levin was a former adviser to the premier. "I was shocked to hear about these charges through the news on Monday. Insidious crimes like these are absolutely terrifying," Wynne said in a statement. "The safety and well-being of our children has always been my absolute priority and at no time did I have any suspicion of criminal behaviour. I am confident that the police and judicial system will address these serious allegations." Levin was also recently involved with the Ontario government through contract research projects and guest speaking roles in his capacity as a professor -- work that has been suspended pending the outcome of the investigation. From late 2004 to early 2007, Levin served under former Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty as deputy minister of education. He also served as Manitoba's deputy minister of advanced education and deputy minister of education, training and youth between 1999 and 2002. Most recently, he had been working as a professor and research chair in education and leadership at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Levin's position as an academic involved in international projects raised concerns for police. |
However, the way court cases are conducted in Ontario is that
a publication ban will be automatically granted, and this case
will take about five or more years to wind its way through the courts.
It looks as though this was planned all along,
since it effectively prevents those opposing the Premier's plan
to change the school curriculum from using the media to
point to Levin as the pervert who created it.
"Fairness" requires that he be considered innocent until convicted,
and that his trial not be prejudiced by publication of details of charges,
and evidence.
This effectively means no one can accuse Levin of being a pedophile,
and protest against the new School Curriculum on this basis!.
So naturally the Lesbian pedophile Premier Wynne will simply go ahead,
and push the homosexual agenda down the throats of children and parents:
Sex ed in Ontario schools, the sequel November 06, 2014 Premier Kathleen Wynne will introduce a controversial sex education curriculum into Ontario elementary schools in September 2015. Controversial because the last time the Liberal government tried to do this in 2010 — when Wynne was education minister from 2006 to early 2010 — it botched it so badly then premier Dalton McGuinty killed it. McGuinty cancelled its implementation just hours after his own cabinet ministers had vigorously defended the new curriculum, which called for teacher-led discussions of topics such as masturbation, oral and anal sex and homosexuality by Grade 8. He said the province hadn’t consulted enough with parents, even though his own government insisted it had consulted with the public for two years. In fact, few parents had heard of the new curriculum until critics, led by Charles McVety, president of Canada Christian College, started campaigning against it. This time, Wynne’s government says it will have 4,000 hand-picked parents chosen by school principals participate in an online survey on the sex education curriculum before it is introduced. Most are expected to be the chairs of school councils. But their purpose, other than providing a rubber stamp of approval, seems unclear. That because while selected parents will be asked their views about issues related to the new sex education curriculum, Education Minister Liz Sandals has already said that’s unlikely to lead to any changes. Nor will the province inform all parents about the contents of the new curriculum, which will be left up to individual schools. Thus it’s hardly surprising the government is again being criticized for not meaningfully consulting parents. This time, opposition is being spearheaded by an organization called Parents As First Educators (PAFE). It has launched a petition objecting to what PAFE President Teresa Pierre calls the “graphic” revision of the sex education curriculum. In fairness, the province hasn’t formally updated this curriculum since 1998, although in the 2010 controversy many teachers said the new content wasn’t much different from what was already being taught in schools. It’s obvious the Wynne Liberals now want to appear to be consulting with parents while limiting the scope of that consultation and placing restrictions on which parents will be consulted. Given that, they should expect a similar controversy to the one in 2010. |
Thats right.
After Christians in Ontario thought they had won the battle and stopped
homosexuals from teaching grade 3 students about anal sex,
the Lesbo Premier has not only revived the program,
but entrenched herself and her party into government for another 5 years.
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