(11) Curse of knowledge - When
people who are smarter or more well informed can not understand the
common man. For instance, in the TV show "The Big Bang Theory" it's
difficult for scientist Sheldon Cooper to understand his waitress
neighbor Penny.
In the debate about Evolution or rather the protracted attempts to indoctrinate ordinary people by proponents, there are literally thousands of opportunities for confusion and miscommunication due to the Evolutionist's prior commitment to certain 'precise' definitions of words that are already in circulation in the general public.
Thus we often see Evolutionists ragging on opponents and the uncommitted for 'confusing Evolution and Abiogenesis' for example. The Evolutionist knows in advance that the two ideas are independent enough that even if Abiogenesis can't be demonstrated, essential elements of the theory of Speciation (i.e., Natural Selection) are unaffected, since they deal with a different time, place and circumstance.
But John Q Public knows intuitively from the nature of the public debate that what is really being sold is Atheistic Materialism, and Evolution is being used to justify that belief system. Part and parcel of the whole package is the idea that "Life" doesn't have and doesn't need a Creator, and therefore people don't need to believe in or obey a Living God.
Thus Abiogenesis in the sense meant by Evolutionists IS a part of the package, and ragging on both opponents and uncommitted listeners for grouping them together is just a handy smoke-screen, whereby Evolutionists don't need to prove or support the idea of Abiogenesis when inconveniently asked to do so.
The whole argument devolves into a game of semantics that lets Evolutionists off the hook from demonstrating how Life could spontaneously evolve out of Non-life.
(12) Decoy effect - A phenomenon in marketing where consumers have a specific change in preference between two choices after being presented with a third choice.
This isn't so much an unconscious bias as a dirty sales-scam, meant to fool the victim (although Evolutionists are certainly biased).
Ordinary Religious people are naturally inclined to believe in a Creator God, who is both the First Cause and necessary to explain the origin and existence of Life.
Evolutionists convince the listener to abandon that natural inclination by a ruse:
Young Earth Creationism (YEC) in its most extreme form is presented as the only alternative to Evolution, and is presented in such a way as to make it hopelessly implausible and blatantly false. Then Evolutionary theory is propounded as the only alternative to YEC. The victim is bamboozled into embracing Evolutionary dogma as the most probable explanation.
(13) Denomination effect - People are less likely to spend large bills than their equivalent value in small bills or coins.
The same principle is at work here as the 'divide and conquer' rule.
Evolutionists chop up the integrated belief-system of orthodox Christianity and mainstream religion, so that each part can be separatedly assaulted and an audience can accept the (smaller) loss of one or two seemingly unimportant components of their own position.
This process is continued until the entire worldview has been assaulted and apparently dismantled. It matters not that many of the attacks and assaults are ineffective and unconvincing. The appearance is given that these attempts are only provisionary, and since other assaults and attacks appear successful, the difficulties must not be unsurmountable and will eventually be solved.
(14) Duration neglect - When the duration of an event doesn't factor enough into a valuation. For instance we may remember momentary displeasure as strongly as protracted displeasure.
A classic example is the claim that Evolution has taken place over millions of years. These gigantic time periods were originally proposed in order to allow small, uniformitarian processes, like normal erosion, volcanism, continental drift etc., could account for the major geophysical features of the earth.
Likewise, it was naively assumed that "given enough time", the most unlikely event will become 'certain', i.e., must eventually take place.
That naive thinking worked in the last century when people were unable to accurately calculate probabilities and understand the basis of so-called 'random' events.
However, some things are not "random" in this free, classical sense, based on an oversimplified view of physical laws. The world has turned out to be neither deterministic (as classical mechanics suggested) or purely probabilitistic (as statistical theories of causation suggested), but both in part deterministic (for instance it is impossible to 'block' or shield the force of gravity because it is now understood to be a distortion in spacetime itself) and in part probabilistic (as in quantum mechanical forces).
Thus we cannot expect "every possible event" to occur, even in infinite time, since (a) there isn't sufficient time, (b) some things are indeed impossible by definition, (c) some things are eliminated from probability by the fact that alternate events have already occurred, and (d) some processes are time-directional, and not reversable.
For instance, there can never evolve a literal "Santa Claus" , because such an event is intrinsically impossible, eliminated by its own definition.
In Evolutionary theory we see this irrational trap fallen for again and again, as species after species is 'discovered' to have existed both now and simultaneously hundreds of millions of years in the past, without evolving!.
Originally the vast time-scales were considered necessary to justify Evolution, but the actual creatures are found to have already evolved at the very beginning of these time periods, while inexplicably NOT evolving for vast subsequent eras. This makes Evolution a self-contradictory nonsensical theory, about magical events.

In the debate about Evolution or rather the protracted attempts to indoctrinate ordinary people by proponents, there are literally thousands of opportunities for confusion and miscommunication due to the Evolutionist's prior commitment to certain 'precise' definitions of words that are already in circulation in the general public.
Thus we often see Evolutionists ragging on opponents and the uncommitted for 'confusing Evolution and Abiogenesis' for example. The Evolutionist knows in advance that the two ideas are independent enough that even if Abiogenesis can't be demonstrated, essential elements of the theory of Speciation (i.e., Natural Selection) are unaffected, since they deal with a different time, place and circumstance.
But John Q Public knows intuitively from the nature of the public debate that what is really being sold is Atheistic Materialism, and Evolution is being used to justify that belief system. Part and parcel of the whole package is the idea that "Life" doesn't have and doesn't need a Creator, and therefore people don't need to believe in or obey a Living God.
Thus Abiogenesis in the sense meant by Evolutionists IS a part of the package, and ragging on both opponents and uncommitted listeners for grouping them together is just a handy smoke-screen, whereby Evolutionists don't need to prove or support the idea of Abiogenesis when inconveniently asked to do so.
The whole argument devolves into a game of semantics that lets Evolutionists off the hook from demonstrating how Life could spontaneously evolve out of Non-life.
(12) Decoy effect - A phenomenon in marketing where consumers have a specific change in preference between two choices after being presented with a third choice.
This isn't so much an unconscious bias as a dirty sales-scam, meant to fool the victim (although Evolutionists are certainly biased).
Ordinary Religious people are naturally inclined to believe in a Creator God, who is both the First Cause and necessary to explain the origin and existence of Life.
Evolutionists convince the listener to abandon that natural inclination by a ruse:
Young Earth Creationism (YEC) in its most extreme form is presented as the only alternative to Evolution, and is presented in such a way as to make it hopelessly implausible and blatantly false. Then Evolutionary theory is propounded as the only alternative to YEC. The victim is bamboozled into embracing Evolutionary dogma as the most probable explanation.
(13) Denomination effect - People are less likely to spend large bills than their equivalent value in small bills or coins.
The same principle is at work here as the 'divide and conquer' rule.
Evolutionists chop up the integrated belief-system of orthodox Christianity and mainstream religion, so that each part can be separatedly assaulted and an audience can accept the (smaller) loss of one or two seemingly unimportant components of their own position.
This process is continued until the entire worldview has been assaulted and apparently dismantled. It matters not that many of the attacks and assaults are ineffective and unconvincing. The appearance is given that these attempts are only provisionary, and since other assaults and attacks appear successful, the difficulties must not be unsurmountable and will eventually be solved.
(14) Duration neglect - When the duration of an event doesn't factor enough into a valuation. For instance we may remember momentary displeasure as strongly as protracted displeasure.
A classic example is the claim that Evolution has taken place over millions of years. These gigantic time periods were originally proposed in order to allow small, uniformitarian processes, like normal erosion, volcanism, continental drift etc., could account for the major geophysical features of the earth.
Likewise, it was naively assumed that "given enough time", the most unlikely event will become 'certain', i.e., must eventually take place.
That naive thinking worked in the last century when people were unable to accurately calculate probabilities and understand the basis of so-called 'random' events.
However, some things are not "random" in this free, classical sense, based on an oversimplified view of physical laws. The world has turned out to be neither deterministic (as classical mechanics suggested) or purely probabilitistic (as statistical theories of causation suggested), but both in part deterministic (for instance it is impossible to 'block' or shield the force of gravity because it is now understood to be a distortion in spacetime itself) and in part probabilistic (as in quantum mechanical forces).
Thus we cannot expect "every possible event" to occur, even in infinite time, since (a) there isn't sufficient time, (b) some things are indeed impossible by definition, (c) some things are eliminated from probability by the fact that alternate events have already occurred, and (d) some processes are time-directional, and not reversable.
For instance, there can never evolve a literal "Santa Claus" , because such an event is intrinsically impossible, eliminated by its own definition.
In Evolutionary theory we see this irrational trap fallen for again and again, as species after species is 'discovered' to have existed both now and simultaneously hundreds of millions of years in the past, without evolving!.
Originally the vast time-scales were considered necessary to justify Evolution, but the actual creatures are found to have already evolved at the very beginning of these time periods, while inexplicably NOT evolving for vast subsequent eras. This makes Evolution a self-contradictory nonsensical theory, about magical events.

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