(21) Hindsight bias - The tendency to see past events as predictable. "I knew all along Philip Phillips would win American Idol." Sure you did...
One of the classic examples of this in Evolutionary theory is the absurd claim that "Evolution predicted the fusing of Chromosome 2 in Man."
Of course Evolutionists did nothing of the kind. In fact, their behaviour during the whole 30 years prior to any evidence of fusing was to actually cover up the immense difficulty that humans having 23 chromosomes versus apes having 24 created, once genes and chromosomes were discovered.
In other words, Evolution propagandists marched on oblivious to the scientific knowledge of the time, when as scientists they should have publicly acknowledged the ridiculous situation they were in for 30 years when they knew about chromosomes but had no explanation for why men and apes had different counts.
(22) Ideometer effect - Where an idea causes you to have an unconscious physical reaction, like a sad thought that makes your eyes tear up. This is also how Ouija boards seem to have minds of their own.
It is insufficiently appreciated how personal events can bias our propensity and outlook, our worldview. No one is immune to the sometimes overwhelming effects of tragedy. C.S. Lewis for instance, lost his faith as a child when his mother unexpectedly died. This was probably involuntary, at that vulnerable age. Nonetheless he recovered his faith upon serious reflection as an adult.
In a similar way, it is strongly suspected that many Evolution proponents are likely involuntarily committed to an Atheist ideology on an emotional basis long before they begin rationalizing their beliefs. Tragedy in their lives in one form or another leaves them unable to entertain alternative solutions to the problem of Life, or to form faith-based worldviews.
This is an obvious bias, but one which is rarely acknowledged by apologists of any stripe.
(23) Illusion of control - The tendency for people to overestimate their ability to control events, like when a sports fan thinks his thoughts or actions had an effect on the game.
This is a form of 'projection' or anthropomorphism which is extended to inanimate and non-living objects.
Among Evolutionists we see this anthropomorphism and projection running rampant as such objects as dead, mindless molecules and processes 'actively compete' and 'achieve goals' only consistent with higher order living creatures.
This 'empowerment' of inanimate objects is a form of fanciful imagination quite counterproductive of real scientific investigation, and of no use in understanding real physical processes.
(24) Illusion of validity - When weak but consistent data leads to confident predictions.
Such examples of the coincidental positioning of fossils in deep sedimentary layers, as though they represented local stages in 'evolution' when they were plainly sorted rather on the basis of relative buoyancy and/or a natural seive-process based on size.
Examples of this magical thinking abound in evolution textbooks.
(25) Information bias - The tendency to seek information when it does not affect action. More information is not always better.
As more and more fossils and sites are uncovered and catalogued, it has become tediously obvious that no solutions to key problems such as the absence of clear transitional species in the record are forthcoming.
Instead, the more fossil information that is gathered, the more problematic current reconstructions have become. Very advanced creatures continue to emerge in the most primitive layers and geological eras, making logical and plausible reconstructions of evolutionary stages impossible.
It can be truly observed that the Theory of Evolution was more convincing and plausible in 1950 than today, mainly due to what we did not know then.
(26) Inter-group bias - We view people in our group differently than we would someone in another group.
The bias here is most embarrassing and painful. We see such "world-class geneticists" as Richard Dawkins making the most absurd excursion into foreign philosophical territories, only to humiliate himself as a naive and unscientific thinker. We see such 'scientists' totally abandoning their own scientific methodology and caution to propound ideological viewpoints with the most tenuous and impoverished support.
Yet somehow, instead of calling these people to task when they overextend themselves, Evolution proponents circle around them and protect them in a way that rivals police ranks closing around a fellow officer accused of a crime.
The very core of science, open, transparent examination of activity is obscured and covered up with smokescreens and tactics better seen at a circus.
(27) Irrational escalation - Investing more money or resources into something based on prior investment, even if you know it's a bad one. "I already have 500 shares of Lehman Brothers, let's buy more even though the stock is tanking."
Here again we see proponents of Evolution insisting that their way is the only rational course, their research fields are the only ones deserving of funding, etc., etc., in spite of and in direct contradiction to the lack of results and even the negative findings of actual scientific investigation.
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